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     [ Period-1 ]  [ Period-2 ]  [ Period-3 ]  

Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Studies and Observations Group

What I have done in this section is extract as much as possible about PTFs only from the works of Charles F. Reske and his 3 book collection about MAC-V-SOG. During the Vietnam War (1966-1972) he was a member of the Top Secret U.S. Naval Security Group, serving as an Intelligence Specialist with NSG-Detachment 9-6 and NSG-Detachment 5-6. The nature of his work is still classified.

This incredible collection of material is available as a result of his research and personal involvement. The books contain de-classified material, some just recently made available. Mr. Reske's personal remarks are shown in [italics]. Much of the material in print is incomplete with deletions embedded within the text. They outline many of the "highs and lows, victories and defeats, successes and failures." Its a must read for those of you who were there.

This org-chart evolved through the 1960s to the one displayed below with all of it's many Branches and Groups. I have only revealed the PTF related material that took place within the Maritime Studies Branch, SOG 31 (green box in org chart below).

MACSOG Org Chart


Click on each of the three periods covered and be amazed !

The third book (which is the most recent book in the series) covers the earliest period:

    MAC-V-SOG Command History Annexes A, N,& M (1964-1966): First Secrets of the Vietnam War, by Charles F. Reske.

These two volumes were published first and cover the later years.

    Period-2 (Volume I )
    Period-3 (Volume II)
    MAC-V-SOG 1971-1972 Command History Annex B: The Last Secret of the Vietnam War, by Charles F. Reske.

Ordering Information

If you are interested in obtaining copies of these books, here is the publishers name:

    Alpha Publications
    PO Box 308
    Sharon Center, Ohio  44274

    MAC-V-SOG Command History Annexes A, N,& M (1964-1966): First Secrets of the Vietnam War, by Charles F. Reske. at $19.95

    MAC-V-SOG 1971-1972 Command History Annex B: The Last Secret of the Vietnam War, by Charles F. Reske. Two Volume set $49.95

I ordered my set from: